Monday, 9 December 2013

Depending on a Man (Part 2)

It seems so many bad things have happened in life that people believe that good things only happen in an ideal world.  If things are going well with you, you don’t seem to belong to this world.  Anyway, I am continuing from where I stopped last time.
You see the way it works as a homemaker is that one partner makes home while the other goes out to bring bread.  Traditionally the woman does the former and the man does the latter.  So you could say that my family has conformed to the traditional way of life.  I am a housewife….

How I understand this so called “traditional” way of life is that as husband and wife we are a team.  God is the head of the team and we each have our roles to play and as we grow the dynamics of the team evolve.  Whatever the case may be there is no “I” in a team; we work together towards a shared vision to produce a particular outcome.  This is what plays out in the ideal world you may say and it’s really a pity that the way of the world has gone so much out of hand for us not to believe in the ideals of the family unit as a team.  I have heard so many sorry stories of women suffering because they were financially dependent on their husbands and so this is why people are generally weary of women who are housewives.  Most women don’t want to be housewives for the fear of being dumped or just being unable to meet some personal financial obligations.  Women’s family members or friends also don’t encourage women to become housewives for the same reason.

To be honest, it is really, really difficult to be financially dependent, especially when resources are scarce.  Think of it, I started working when I was 19 and I had moved abroad for the first time.  It was wonderful to have a few coins in my pocket to do a few things for myself without having to ask daddy.  I worked and fended for myself when I moved out on my own at 21.  I paid my bills, my rent, you name it.  I made my own decisions when I wanted to.  I went on holiday when I could afford it.  So here I am, I get back home, no job, no money I am earning.  My husband is doing fine but then we hit hard times so we needed to manage resources.  There were some decisions that could not be taken…So how did I cope?
Look at it this way, marriage is about taking the other person into consideration when making decisions, even in details as mundane as what to have for breakfast.  So there is already a little tension anyway.  It’s just more frustrating when the decisions are financial ones.  I need to get money from my husband to change my underwear (smile).  It’s funny when I hear women say that like it’s the worst insult on their dignity.  What dignity are you talking about for crying out loud?  The person buying your underwear sees underneath your underwear anyway, so what’s the big deal?  Anyway, what have I done so far?

The Bible says there is a time for everything under the sun.  For me it means there is a time to be quiet and keep to yourself and there is a time to come out of your shell.  So in the beginning of my journey as a housewife I decided to keep to myself.  I knew I was and am doing the right thing but I refused to have to justify my existence so that I wouldn't get drained.  You know sometimes when you have to talk so much you might start to blaspheme.  Ask Naomi in the book of Ruth.  When people were having a funfair to welcome her home and they saw she did not quite meet their expectations she blamed it all on God.  God had dealt with her badly, she said.  Ask Job.  When his friends went on and on tormenting him he ended up cursing the day he was born.  Being by myself and being content with what I have is what has kept me going.

Secondly, understanding that it is not my husband that sustains me but God.  My trust is in God to bring to pass what He has promised.  Not just financially but in all aspects of your marriage, as a woman you need to depend on God, not on your husband.  The poor guy is a human being like you, so you get what you bargain for if you depend on him; disappointment.