Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Depending on a man? Part 1

When I was about to make my journey back home form the UK, a few of my relatives advised that I should try sorting out employment before coming home.  Surely I would get one at the drop of a hot because of where I was coming from and the degrees and experience I had bagged.  The rationale behind it was that I should not come home to depend on my husband.

Well I understand this rationale very well but unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you view it, I did not get a job.  I wasn't in the right frame of mind at the time to try (details in another post).  So I became a homemaker by default.  As I said in my last post, you need a lot of self-esteem to live confidently as a housewife if not you will find yourself trying to justify your existence every time.  So how did I handle it?

First I did a lot of reading.  I am naturally a home girl so being out and about was not really my thing.  Then I happened to go for a Christian Leadership Conference and there I learnt a few tips to cope.

My conclusion was this...Like Joseph the dreamer in the Bible, I had a lot of dreams, I still do.  However on his journey through life he had to invest in other people's dreams before his became a reality.  As a homemaker, I see myself investing in my family and one thing is certain, I cannot pursue my dreams to the detriment of the whole family.

In facing others I just have to be confident that I am doing the right thing for me and my family, regardless of what everyone else thinks about me.  I will continue with my coping strategy in my next post.....



  1. oh wow, thanks for writing this... you know when you read something and it speaks to you... I just made few notes in my journal:

    "..... I cannot pursue my dreams to the detriment of the whole family........In facing others I just have to be confident that I am doing the right thing for me and my family, regardless of what everyone else thinks about me."

    You've made me very happy this morning.

    1. Hi Tiny
      It's quite encouraging to have someone read my entries and more so when it speaks to someone. So thanks for the encouragement. I pray you actually make practical what you've learnt
